Never Alone

In my bible reading today, I was focused on the first chapter of Acts. This is something I imagine as being a bittersweet time in the life of the early Christians. Jesus is alive! He’s risen from the dead, and confirmed everything he ever said and taught! But he’s also heading into heaven, leaving the company of his close friends and followers. It’s exciting for them because they get to go out as leaders spreading the ministry, but they are beginning to face the persecutions Jesus predicted for them.

What really struck me today, and what I’d like to talk about with you, is how the disciples reacted to Jesus being taken into Heaven. We see his departure in Acts 1:9 (NIV).

After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.

So naturally, they follow this up by watching the sky, as if hoping to catch another glimpse of him. Then they are directed to continue on with the ministry, so they do. After they all gather together in Jerusalem, they begin the selection process for choosing who will replace Judas the betrayer. What I love about this passage is the amount of confidence they show. No hesitation, no worry about making the wrong choice. Why? Because they had complete faith in God.

Acts 1:24-26 (NIV) Then they prayed, “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs.” Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles.

Jesus has just left their presence, returning to Heaven for who knows how long. Did they know that 2000 years later we’d still be waiting for Jesus’s return? Probably not, but they knew that at least for a while they would have to wait. Yet the way they prayed, to me it doesn’t imply loneliness or abandonment. Because even though Jesus had left, they knew he was still with them in spirit. They knew God was still with them.

That’s really beautiful. They had complete faith that no matter what they faced, or how alone they looked, that God was always with them. What would it look like if we lived with that kind of faith today? When we invite God into our hearts, he is forever with us as well. Even in our darkest moments, when we struggle to do what is right, or we suffer at the hands of the world. I have seen again and again how God doesn’t stop pursuing me, even when I am not honoring him. I invited him into my heart, and he continues to dwell there, giving me hope.

Would you pray with me?

Father God, thank you for always being with us. Thank you that we’re not alone, even when it may seem like it from an earthly perspective. I pray that we would be filled with the same faith as the apostles, with complete trust in you no matter what we face, or how long we must wait. We know your plans are always good, and your ways are right. Please help us to surrender to you, and to keep loving you to the best of our ability and then some. Thank you for everything you do. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

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