I Solemnly Swear

One of the most common questions of a Christ follower is to ask “is it wrong to swear?” Or in some cases it may be phrased as “how much swearing is too much?” It’s an understandable question. Swearing can also be referred to as “filthy language”. In many settings, such as schools and places of work, a stray word could have repercussions. Is that a result of our broken world, or truly something God abhors?

As with every spiritual question, there’s no better guide than the bible. But before we look at what it says, I have a question for each of us, you and me. If it upset God when you swore, would you stop? I believe that question is far more important. It’s the one I try to ask myself regularly about any questionable habit. You can probably find someone who claims swearing is no big deal, and has evidence to back it up. You can probably find someone who says it’s a major problem, and has evidence to back that claim up. Oftentimes we find the answer we’re looking for, before we find the one that’s true.

Without looking at the bible’s view on swearing, I have a challenge for you. Don’t worry, it’s still biblically focused. 🙂 In Matthew Chapter 22 when Jesus is asked the most important commandment, he replies with, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37, NIV) I’d challenge you for one week, pretend that swearing is the worst offense you can commit against God. I’d like to clarify here, pretend this applies to you and only you. If others swear, let them. Don’t encourage them, but let them. Just be sure to avoid it yourself.

I took this challenge myself about a year ago, though for a different habit. I’d just purchased a new sport jacket that I loved to wear everywhere. I claimed it was a mark of God’s blessing in my life, a testament to him transforming me into the young man I was. Yet when I put on that jacket and looked in the mirror, all I could think about was how good I looked, how confident I felt, how awesome I was. A friend pointed this out to me, so I took the challenge. For 2 weeks, I avoided that jacket like the plague. I had to prove to myself that the jacket didn’t mean as much to me as God did. 

I’d encourage you, whatever habit you’re asking about, take a week without it. Fast from it. Challenge yourself to focus on God above all else.

Don’t worry, we’re still going to look at the text of the bible together. 🙂 

Ephesians 4:29, NIV“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Ephesians 5:4, NIV“Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.”

As I read these passages, what sticks out to me are the descriptions used. Paul doesn’t say “don’t swear”, or “don’t use slang”. What he says to avoid are “unwholesome talk”, “obscenity”, “foolish talk”, and “coarse joking”.

So what does this mean for us?

I believe it means two things. First, cursing is wrong. Notice I said “cursing” and not “swearing”. Any word or phrase you or I utter that is intended in malice, spite, or harm is wrong. Suddenly just avoiding swearing is feeling pretty easy huh? This is MUCH harder. I fail at this on probably a daily basis, so believe me when I say I know how hard the struggle is.

So what’s the second thing? Words themselves, if used respectfully and wisely, are fine. Again please notice my wording. I didn’t say “harmless”, I said “fine”. Because in the wrong context, or to the wrong listener, you might be surprised how bad the effect of a stray word can be. Context, intent, and effect all matter. If I use a swear word without any ill intent, but I’m not careful or respectful about how or when I say it, then I still disappointed God. It might not even be about who I’m talking to, but rather someone nearby who overhears it. Perhaps by using the swear word, I’m encouraging someone else to use it, but less wisely.

The purpose of anything we do should be to please God. So let’s ask ourselves, does swearing please God? I think in our hearts, we probably know the answer already. Let’s claim today as our first step closer toward God, by refusing to speak any unwholesome talk. And remember, Jesus still loves you, even if you mess up. God is willing to forgive you, and me. All we have to do to receive that forgiveness is seek him with our hearts.

You can do this. We can do this. Nothing is impossible with our God.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your word, and all the wisdom it contains. Thank you also for the person reading this, and their desire to better know you. I pray that we would be encouraged today to stray away from unclean and harmful talk. I pray that our words would build each other up and grow us in our relationship with you. We know that with you, all things are possible. Please guide us through the challenges ahead. In Jesus’s name we pray, amen.

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