Phone a Friend

When I was a kid there was a game we would sometimes play in school called “Telephone”. If you’ve never played it, the premise is pretty simple. All the kids sit in a circle. The first person whispers a sentence to the person to their right. That person will then whisper it to the person on their right. This continues until it makes its way back to the original person. What makes it entertaining is that people often mishear or misspeak things. It rarely gets back to the original person the same as it began. Sometimes it’s close, and sometimes it’s really far off. It makes for an entertaining game, but a terrible method of communication. When we play it as a game, we can provide hours of entertainment. However when we use this game to share real, valuable information, you can imagine how things go bad quickly.

This is especially dangerous with God’s word.

I’ve often found, and maybe you have to, that reading the bible can be intimidating. There’s so much information packed into it, and so many things to consider when reading it. What was the culture like at the time? How is the word choice significant? What’s literal? What’s metaphorical? How should we interpret this? Many people have come up with interpretations, and sadly they don’t always agree. If you’re like me, you may find that it feels easier and safer to rely on sermons and devotionals that walk through God’s word. (The irony that I’m saying this in a devotional is not lost on me. 🙂 .)

These things are not bad. In fact they are very, very good. But they should not be our primary way of digging into God’s word. If the main way we hear God’s word is through the lips of other people, how will we know when it’s become distorted?

Jesus leads us in this by example in Matthew 4. Three times Satan tries to tempt Jesus. Look at how Jesus responds each time.

Matthew 4:4 (NIV)Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

Matthew 4:7 (NIV)Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test

Matthew 4:9 (NIV) Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’

Three times Jesus models for us how God’s word is the ultimate resource for his will. If you read the entire passage, you may notice Satan also says “it is written” once. Similarly today, you will hear many people proclaim what is written in the bible. Some will speak truth as Jesus did, while others will deceive (intentionally or unintentionally) like Satan. Take the chance to spend time in God’s word, even just a little at a time. Marinate in it, soak it in, don’t be afraid to ask questions. God is ready for anything we have. 🙂

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